The World-Cultural-Heritage
in 2025
The Laws of Nature and the Snake
The Snake against the Empress and the other way round!
Happy Easter!
Name of the receiver:
Roman. Catholic. Church || worldwide | throughout Europe- ------passed on news-------- reference: Matter and Commission date: Sun, 11 Mar 2018 4:02:26 PM +0100 Of: Ursula Sabisch An:,
Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
Catholic Pfarre Mils
Upper Village of Austria
Luebeck, 11th of March, 2018
Society | Services – Papa will already make that.
"The father in heaven makes a good fist of the person`s mistakes" – Priest A. interprets the texts of the reading and Gospel of the fourth Sunday in ordinary time.
The German-language document you may find here!
Dear Priest A., Dear Clergy, Dear Rules, Dear Sir or Madam,
It`s about time at least for every true German-speaking Roman Catholic Clergy timely and reality-consciously to look closely at „Papa or Father, who, strictly speaking, should make everything“, particularly, since last night the German Cardinal Karl L. has passed away and now he will know more than most people of us.
Today's Mass or today's divine service was really beautiful, well organized and elaborately successful according to the transmission via satellite. Especially good was your free "sermon", Priest A., which included a declaration of the Gospel and about the nature of our all Creators. You showed three different ways of a father figure by ultimately calling all of us Heavenly Father, and this letter is about the Heavenly Father!
Of course, my person also believes, that in the end the Heavenly Father wants to judge everything, but he has given the human a free will and a mind and this is something, in which the human is clearly different from other living creatures and in this regard equal to the Heavenly Father. As Clergies, you have made it your fundamental business to proclaim the suffering of men, the legitimate hope of God's graces in reference to eternal life and the comprehension of the gospel.
Unfortunately, you and everyone else have lost sight of something very important and crucial, and that is, to make it clear, "the snake", which is repeatedly overlooked and ignored, what has only been made possible by a great craftiness and cunning.
You and everyone else have cared far too little about this diabolical being in reference to man and Heavenly Father, and now this overpowering being is already so progressed, that almost no one can notice, that it almost cannot be stopped anymore and nobody can notice, too, what you and other Spirituals have actually done and done with our Lord God through the Eucharistic celebration.
But that's not all.
There are or have been e. g., fathers, whose have reached hell by the diabolically forced way on earth, although just these fathers would not have belonged definitely in this direction to find to the real aim in afterlife, what you, Priest A., rightly call the Grace. This is something, that you and others should have noticed a long time ago; it is the way of dying at the hour of death or the cause of death, that should show us human beings, where the path is going or will lead forcibly.
It is therefore quite certain, that not our Lord God, but also interchangeable personalities have been nailed to "the cross and can be nailed" and this can only be recognized, if one can clearly name the devil and has studied him!
That would preferably be your task as a Clergyman of the Roman. Kath. Church, however, the Christian Institutions "Church" have established themselves as a worldwide enterprise and as one of the largest employers but have given the devil a free hand worldwide down to this day. And now my person comes to the international scene and reminds you and your peers to refrain from all Eucharistic celebrations once again, because it can also be a person, who instead of our All Lord God has come to a place, where the soul can be pulled down from afar by the Eucharistic celebration!
And if you and your peers think you can have fun with such a writing, then I can only hope, that it will be reversed and that those, who did not want to listen to "Mum", will be pulled from the bottom up to the top! My person has studied the devil and probably knows him better than anyone else, which is more than regrettable enough!
You will please try to prevent all Eucharistic celebrations worldwide, but first of all refrain from the German-speaking consecrations, whereby my person would use the Federal Border Guard and the Federal Armed Forces in this regard in the Federal Republic of Germany, if my person were already on her intended place.
It is a shock, when one receive such a letter but you can and should keep your beautiful world alive for the children, however by having to put off the White Sundays of the children until one of the following years or subsequent years.
Furthermore, today my person notices by your children's choir clearly, that the small child voices predominantly did not have any more the natural sound of a child voice separate mainly a sort of "Micky Mouse" made up the sound. The causes for it were obvious, e. g. by one of the texts of the children's song. No one notices anything so important matter, just me person!?
Yours sincerely
Ursula Sabisch
HP.: My person is still considering, whether to make this letter public, what probably will be not avoided, since there are too few "thinkers" in the matter and commission of our all Creator and these few ones could be reached via one of my homepages!
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Document checked completely 04.01.2020