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The World-Cultural-Heritage



in 2025

Easter in 2018

Frohe Ostern! - Happy Easter!

Was jeder wissen sollte siehe Anhang!

What everybody might be known please see here: Easter 2018

The German-language appendix of this document you may find here! 


Dear Readers,

Now that following letter is already written 16 years ago, nevertheless time has passed while the spirit of the times already wanted to sack the “blue planet ", what he could not managed, nevertheless, up to the present day yet.

A lot has happened in the meantime and thus there are already many contemporary witnesses from your culture in the matter and commission of ours all Lord and Creator.

Everybody should know: A witness is a person who can state or testify something, because he has something smelt or seen, something heard, tasted or felt something, particularly when something unusual happens or something extraordinary could be perceived and often has repeated in the matter.

The more extremely it is, the more important is this witness's statement for all people, even if it can be very uncanny things.

If the person does not behave any more like a human being, too has unlearned his personhood e. g. towards the Third World and contrary benefits from the danger circles of the weaker ones, such a questionable creature or such questionable creatures belong not really more on God's earth.

If such a creature can be identified, nevertheless, as a human being and should be fallen in God's mercies, the person will get to feel it absolutely and this can be very painfully for every such an individual.

Should such a creature or masses of such creatures not be able to be identified as a human being or human beings because e. g. these live on too high costs more often and do not know the natural principles of a human being or ignore it, these will be identified as an animal or as animals and could be removed possibly from earth.

Thus my person wishes that the right human beings will have a nice Easter party and the wrong ones will get something to feel, what they never will forgotten anymore and my person wishes, that nobody will be identified as an animal!

Happy Easter,

Ursula Sabisch, Empress
